Dr. Robert W. Malone
I am an internationally recognized scientist/physician and the original inventor of mRNA vaccination as a technology, DNA vaccination, and multiple non-viral DNA and RNA/mRNA platform delivery technologies. I hold numerous fundamental domestic and foreign patents in the fields of gene delivery, delivery formulations, and vaccines: including for fundamental DNA and RNA/mRNA vaccine technologies. This is important because of my history, my expertise, my words carry weight.
Before COVID-19, my CV was based around my scientific career. I have approximately 100 scientific publications with over 14,000 citations of my work (per Google Scholar with an “outstanding” impact factor for a “full professor” rating). I have been an invited speaker around a 100 scientific conferences, have chaired or been keynote speaker at numerous conferences and I have sat on or served as chairperson on HHS and DoD committees. In 1995, I was told by one of the members of the Nobel committee at the Karolinska Institute that I had been on the short list for the Nobel prize for my seminal work in genetic vaccination.
In the early COVID-19 crisis, I sat as a non-voting member on the NIH ACTIV TX-Clinical working group committee focussed on developing clinical trials for ivermectin, famotidine and celecoxib - all repurposed drugs which are COVID-19 treatments. This work included my consulting for a number of contractors for DTRA and their DOMANE program, as I worked tirelessly to identify mechanisms of action of the virus and repurposed drugs. In this capacity, ACTIV was tasked with managing clinical research for a variety of drug and antibody treatments for COVID-19. Note I was on the the ACTIV TX working group committee as a non-voting member which was tasked with drug development and I was specifically asked to be on that sub-committee due to my experience with repurposing drugs for infectious diseases. The committee and I parted ways in January, 2022 - after the Joe Rogan show.
My relationship with the various contractors had ended earlier than that, as the barriers to conducting unbiased clinical research trial and design within the organizational framework provided made it next to impossible to run unbiased studies for COVID-19. For instance, the FDA demanded conditions be met that were almost impossible for an ivermectin arm on the trial that I had helped design. My work on the ACTIV TX-Clinical WG committee was always about repurposing drugs for COVID-19, and I focused on famoditine/celecoxib and ivermectin. Early in the outbreak, I led in the discovery of histamine and mast cell degranulation in severe COVID-19 disease, which is something I am very proud of. That has been my mission in this from day one of this outbreak - find ways to treat the disease effectively.
I received my medical degree from the Northwestern Feinberg School of Medicine. I completed the Harvard Medical School fellowship as a global clinical research scholar in 2016 and was scientifically trained at the University of California at Davis, the University of California at San Diego, and at the Salk Institute Molecular Biology and Virology laboratories. I have served as an assistant and associate professor of pathology and surgery at the University of California at Davis, the University of Maryland, and the Armed Forces University of the Health Sciences. For many years, my wife, Jill and I have built and run a consultancy and analytics firm specializing in biotechnology and clinical trials development. For the record, I have never worked on bioweapons or been funded to develop them. I did work on developing a number of vaccines to protect the warfighter and civilians, in case of a bio-threat event. When I realized the futility of that endeavor during the 2014 Ebola outbreak, I transitioned over to working with repurposed drugs. I have never worked on developing any of the childhood vaccine products. I am not and was not a Federal employee. I did not ever work for the CIA or DARPA or even for DTRA/Domane as a government employee.
Because of my speaking out about the safety issues of the “vaccines” and being an advocate for multi-drug, early treatment for COVID-19, government, media and big tech have done everything in their power to censor and defame me and my work. The CDC, working through the Foundation of the CDC, had me permanently banned from Twitter for a year -without any strikes or warning. They continue to this day to harass me, re-edit my Wiki page, put falsehoods and fake fact-checks first and center on google. Controlled opposition appears to be their new tool - the ankle biters never cease! If they can remove my voice, my experience, my expertise - they win. This is why my history matters. It is not about “me,” it is about my being able to effectively communicate to the public. This makes me a danger to the administrative state. A heretic!
Functionally, I consider myself a patriot, an advocate of small government, a constitutionalist and a person of strong traditional values.
My partner in all of this is Jill Glasspool Malone, PhD. She likes to stay behind the scenes, but you can be assured that in almost all of my professional endeavors, she has been and will be involved. She also is well published and has an extensive CV. We have been together since high school (almost 50 years) and have been married for 46 of those. We live on a horse farm in Virginia, which has become our own personal “Galt’s Gulch”. Jill and I built this farm, which is self-sustaining, from raw land. Having an intentional community is one of the tenets of how we live.
So, what has brought me to the point of daily podcasts, interviews, op-eds, advocacy with legislators, testifying for foreign governments and building n X feed of 1.3 million people? It started with my own experiences and concerns regarding the safety and bioethics of how the COVID-19 genetic vaccines were developed and forced upon the world, and then expanded as I discovered the many short-cuts, database issues, obfuscation and frankly, lies told in the development of the spike protein-based genetic vaccines for COVID-19.
Personal experiences involving identifying, developing, and trying to publish peer-reviewed academic papers focused on drug repurposing and the rights of physicians to practice medicine and what I have seen close colleagues go through, have further influenced me. Finally, as unethical mandates for administering experimental vaccines to adults and children began to be pushed by governments, my research into what I believe was and is authoritarian control by governments that are being manipulated by large corporations (big finance, big pharmaceutical, big media and big technology) influenced my changing world view.
Now, I have always been taught and believed that vaccines must be developed in conjunction with life saving treatments for an emerging infectious disease or a pandemic. I am a vaccinologist. I invented the core mRNA vaccine and DNA vaccine technology platforms. I have spent much of my career working on vaccine development. I have also had extensive experience in drug repurposing for infectious disease outbreaks. I am not an antivaxxer. I do think that the childhood schedule for vaccines has become bloated and too many vaccines are being given to our children at way too young of an age. The hepatitis B vaccine being given at birth and influenza vaccines being given to healthy children are prime examples of the perversion of the childhood vaccine schedule.
I now question what the US government is doing with vaccines and many expensive treatment options. I have reviewed the previous clinical trials (or lack there of) for traditional vaccines and the many, many mRNA vaccines now in clinical trials. What has happened over the last three years has me questioning everything the FDA has done and is doing. All indications are that Congress and the administrative state that run the FDA and the CDC has been corrupted by the pharmaceutical industry. I look forward to President Trump 2.0, which Secretary Kennedy in charge of HHS - I believe great changes are finally going to happen.
I do believe that the short cuts that the USG have taken in bringing the “vaccines” to market for this pandemic have been detrimental and contrary to globally accepted standards for developing and regulating safe and effective licensed products.
I have now done hundreds of podcasts and interviews. I am a regular guest on many shows and have written many editorials that have been published in mainstream newspapers. Along with many other physicians and scientists advocating early treatment, I tour globally to help educate physicians, legislators and the public about early treatment options while also opposing the unethical mandates and unsafe regulatory practices.
I used to believe that the FDA, NIH, and CDC were working for the people, not for “big pharma”. I thought that if we could just re-purpose already known, safe drugs for emerging infectious diseases, we could quickly find ways to reduce disease and the death rate. I thought that drug and vaccine development were regulated by the Federal government for the common good. What I have learned over the last few years is that regulatory capture of the federal government has warped and shaped the work of Congress and Federal agencies to such an extent that they no longer represent what is in the best interests of the nation, the world, and humanity. The more I have expressed data-based concerns about what is happening with the vaccines, the US Federal and WHO responses, the more I have been censored, defamed, and subjected to various forms of character assassination by big tech and legacy media. I am not alone in being targeted.
Mainstream media has attacked and censored myself and other prominent physicians/scientists who do not recite the governmental narrative. This has been developed into a standard process and deployed worldwide as a technique for suppressing physician dissent – quite literally hunting physicians deemed guilty of thoughtcrimes (such as questioning vaccine safety and effectiveness) or of the “sin” of treating patients with lifesaving drugs in an outpatient setting. Astroturf organization routinely use defamation, cyberstalking and gang-stalking to attack those who question the government’s narrative on not just vaccines, but on a whole host of political issues, such as Hunter Biden’s laptop, the Ukrainian war, the origins of the SARS-CoV-2 (WIV) virus, the US governments role in gain-of-function research, etc.
I now recognize that the fight is beyond medical freedom. What we are fighting for is freedom. Our national sovereignty is a stake. On the home front, regulatory capture and the administrative state have gained control of critical elements of our governance. Globally, the shiny new idea of a “new world order” has been seeded into the mission of the United Nations, The World Trade Organization as well as The World Health Organization and other globalized entities. The World Economic Forum which represents the largest transnational corporations in the world is increasingly influencing global organization through funding mechanisms. This in turn, puts our national and individual sovereignty at risk. The issues of trans-humanism, censorship, propaganda, command economies - including stakeholder capitalism, corporatism, marxism, and inverted totalitarianism threaten our very way of life in the USA. Our freedom has become the battleground of the future.
I now often find myself speaking at public events and writing about on psy-wars, propaganda, human augmentation, regulatory capture by the pharmaceutical industry, inverted totalitarianism and other perversions of modern government.
I work to inspire people to bring about real change. For speaking truth to power, my audience has grown. My substack is read by almost a million people a day. This substack (malone.news) is not promoted or spoken about on mainstream media, it is blacklisted from google analytics, and the audience reach has come about through word of mouth. People crave authenticity and analysis of current issues of the day.
What is happening is not right, it is not proper and it is not fair.
So, let get down to fixing it.
Dr. Malone’s Substack:
“Who is Robert Malone?
A newsletter about Medicine, bioethics, analytics, politics and life.
Dr. Malone’s New Book: “Lies My Gov't Told Me: And the Better Future Coming” is now available on Amazon and other Booksellers!
Editorial Reviews:
“One of the most important things about [Malone] reading out [his] history like that is he is one of the most qualified people in the world to talk about vaccines … I'm very grateful that there's courageous people like [Malone] that do put [their] reputations and [their] careers on the line by speaking out against the stuff when it is very difficult and when [they] do get de-platformed for doing that they know that by censoring [him] they're not just censoring [him]; they're also making others like [him] self-censor.”
— JOE ROGAN, The Joe Rogan Experience
"A courageous streak of idealism and stubborn integrity pitched Dr. Robert Malone off the giddy heights of the Medical Cartel. Stranded in the wilderness, he has emerged as the most important prophet for medical freedom, public health, and civil rights. If we manage to save democracy, and humanity, Robert Malone will get much of the credit."
“Few people are in a better position than Robert Malone to know what lies the government told us about COVID. And very few are brave enough to expose those lies. Whatever they’re saying about him now, history will record Malone as a hero.”
"Dr. Robert Malone is among the few courageous doctors and medical researchers who offered us, in his calm and professional way, a science-based second opinion regarding COVID. With contributions from other heroes of the pandemic, this book offers truth that federal health agencies and the media unfortunately failed to provide."
“When our confused and frightened planet was buckling under monolithic government declarations and orders, we needed someone with first-hand expertise and knowledge, someone with integrity and profound courage, to give us clarity and truth. Robert Malone stood up and did that, and these pages tell his story.”
— GAVIN DE BECKER, bestselling author of The Gift of Fear
“The Administrative State destroyed lives, families, businesses with shutdowns, lockdowns, and mandates related to the CCP/COVID-19 pandemic. When ‘The Vaxx’ and the ‘science’ surrounding it engulfed the Nation and the World, one man, Dr. Robert Malone, came to the forefront in the fight for truth. The Government, Corporate Media and Big Pharma tried to destroy him. This book is the first-person account of a modern day American Hero and Patriot.”
“Dr. Malone’s experiences working in basic science and biodefense, along with his incisive analysis, perceptivity, and clarity of thought, make his book a fascinating read that will leave you in wonder and admiration of the breadth and depth of his insights. The forces he understands so well will continue flexing their influence unless deterred by trustworthy leadership and a resistant public.”
— JOSEPH LADAPO, MD, PhD, Florida Surgeon General and author of Transcend Fear: A Blueprint for Mindful Leadership in Public Health
Who is Robert Malone?
Substack as a publishing model
On Substack, I post timely articles, research analysis, podcasts and commentary relating to immunology, virology, vaccines, and all aspects of public health and policy- with a particular focus on the current SARS-CoV-2 outbreak. Sometimes, I write analytical pieces on topics such as censorship, big government and other political/social issues. I explore issues that may be too controversial for the first generation social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn which are all controlled by Big Technology companies and their large investment firm owners. This includes tips for healthy living as well as how to best tolerate governmental intrusion. On occasion, guest writers will join me here to present their work. I encourage comments and questions from my subscribers.
Subscription options
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Paid subscription (just $5 a month or $50/yr)
My Offerings:
Speaking Engagements
Motivational Speaking
Medical and Scientific Education
Expert Witness
The Malone Doctrine
A Declaration of Independence
From The Decisions of Institutions That Lack Integrity
We The Undersigned:
Demand that all underlying data that contributes to a body of work under consideration must be made available and must remain accessible for analysis.
Proclaim the value of knowledge to society is not determined by any given creator of information. Instead, that it is the beneficiaries of knowledge who assign value to a proposition only through thorough critique and relentless scrutiny.
Establish the free and open exchange of information and establish as a duty the authority to serve as the custodians of all data forming the basis of our decisions.
Require the full disclosure of all sources of funding regarding any citation noted or references made pertaining to any matter under consideration.
Commit to impartiality in consideration of all analytical information and data brought before us and expect the same from all others.
Foster rigorous open debate and scrutiny in consideration of and for any matter of concern.
Shall promptly make the discovery of intellectual dishonesty or professional irresponsibility known to all.
Ensure the health, welfare and safety of any whistleblower, bringing forth and/or making public an abrogation of the beliefs held herein.
Stand in opposition to censorship and will not accept representations of parties holding within themselves values that conflict with principles of free expression.
Deny no person the right to challenge, debate, petition, redress, examine or protest with facts and evidence any decision of this body.
Robert W Malone, MD, MS Jill Glasspool Malone, PhD
Speaking Engagements
To secure Dr. Malone as a speaker, regardless of venue (non-profit, community group, medical conference, industry, motivational), please contact Dr. Jill Malone (info@rwmalonemd.com).
For media enquiries, please contact Dr. Jill Malone (info@rwmalonemd.com)
Speaker Fees:
Domestic Speaking Engagement fee: $10,000.00 - plus travel costs for both Dr.s Robert and Jill Malone (airfare, hotel and car rental).
International Engagements: please inquire. The engagement fee is usually doubled for international travel.